FAQ Foundation
What does the Mayday Foundation stand for?
Stiftung Mayday, translated as the Mayday Foundation, was launched by pilots for pilots in Frankfurt/Main on 7th December, 1994. The Foundation’s intention is to support aviators and their next-of-kin materially and ideally. The name ‘MAYDAY’ was deliberately chosen, as it is the international aviation emergency call.
Why do we need the Mayday Foundation?
When was it realized that the Mayday Foundation was needed?
Are there additional national and/or international support networks?
Yes, other national and international support networks exist. They often have different names in different countries, for example there are Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT), post-incident stress recovery teams, and emergency counseling teams. The Mayday Foundation works in close collaboration with these teams on a case-by-case basis.
Internationally, we are cross-linked with the International Critical Incident Foundation, INC. (ICISF), the support teams of Airlines, Employee Unions (e.g. TWU – Transport Workers Union or ALPA – Airline Pilot Association), and the United Nations (UNDSS – United Nations Departement of Safety and Security).
Why is it necessary to form a legal foundation?
Who works for the Mayday Foundation?
The Board of Directors consists of the pilots Rena Achten, Alice Bonaduce, Dr. Gerhard Fahnenbruck, Hans Rahmann, Alexander Scheller as well as the lawyer Ralf A. Schäfer. The Executive Director is Christian Klick. The patron of the Foundation is the former Airbus CEO Dr. Thomas Enders.
The Board of Directors, all associates, as well as all support team members, are volunteers.
Whom does the Mayday Foundation support?
Does the Mayday Foundation only help materially?
Does the Mayday Foundation help in cases of problems concerning employment and/or licensing law?
How do the CISM-Teams of the Mayday Foundation operate?
Who donates to the Mayday Foundation?
Individuals and corporations who support the intentions and goals of the Mayday Foundation.
Are donations tax-deductible?
Into which account can donations be payed?
(IBAN: DE36 5005 0201 0000 0044 40)
How about securities and shares?
They are also welcome as donations. They are tax-deductable like normal donations.
Can I turn to the Foundation for advice if I intend to bequeath money to the Foundation?
Whom can I turn to if I have further questions?
Stiftung Mayday
Email: info@stiftung-mayday.de or via our contact form (Contact)
For questions concerning CISM addressed to a CISM-Coordinator please use our contact form or our 24/7 hotline: +49 151 2240 7703